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Becoming an Anglican

The Anglican expression of Christian faith has been shaped over many centuries and is rooted in a rich heritage that reaches back to the early Church.


Embrace the Holy Scriptures as a primary source of authority

Accept the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds as a sufficient statement of the Christian faith

Practice the two sacraments ordained by Christ: Baptism and the Eucharist

Continue the tradition of the Historic Episcopate (having bishops whose ministry is from the first Apostles)

Anglicans articulate what we believe through how we worship, so the best way to get to know us is to worship with us. Whether you’re already a baptized Christian or on a journey of spiritual exploration, you are most welcome at All Saints Anglican Church.

New Anglicans are formally received into the Anglican Church if you are baptized in water and in the name of the Holy Trinity, your baptism is recognized as valid within the Anglican Church. To learn more, visit our Baptism page.

A person becomes a member of the Anglican Church (“an Anglican”) by regularly attending an Anglican church and contributing to its life and work (its “ministry”). It really is as simple as that.

You may also choose to be formally received into All Saints Anglican Church or to make a public profession of faith through a service of reception or confirmation when the bishop is present. Speak to Bishop Schultz for more information about this.